Can you make money buying and selling tickets on stubhub

can you make money buying and selling tickets on stubhub

With the advent of the Internet the whole world of the secondary ticket market was turned upside. Now, if you needed tickets to a sold out event, then you did not have to buy them from a street scalper. If you had tickets for an event that you could not attend, then you could now sell them on this guying new site called eBay. On eBay. On the floor, in the pit. I bought a pair and was fired up for the youu. I was in Grad School and I realized I was about 12 months away from having to find a real job. Tickete throughout college I tried to get internships with various mondy teams and I even worked for ABC Sports for a few years, but nothing fit. My ultimate career goal in life was to have my own businees but not have the type of business in which I had to work hours a week. My first ticket purchase for resell was four tickets to a show for the Eagles in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

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Skip to content Posted by Mads on March 16, November 4, Here is a simple breakdown of how it works: 1. Buy Tickets on Ticket Master 2. Sell them for a higher price than you paid. That’s it, only 3 Basic Steps. Now here is where is where it gets interesting Ticket Resale is really easy At Ticketflipping. We go over all the criteria of selecting a ticket so that you can make the highest profit margin per ticket. But don’t take our word for it So you could say we have quite a bit of experience. We made this course because we believe that everyone should be in charge of their financial lives and reach financial freedom if they are willing to work smart and setup the proper systems that make them money every single month. The benefits of the Ticketflipping community is huge to us. In our Premium Members group chat we discuss good tickets to buy, new sporting events, and even collaborate to make market analysis.

Build a stunning band website and store in minutes

This way we can all buy profitable tickets to resell. Learning Ticket Resale was our road to financial freedom and as we collaborate with more people and learn about more events we can all make. If you are interested in reselling tickets for profit, register for the Introductory Ticket Resale Webinar Below!

That’s it, only 3 Basic Steps.



Other options include eBay or the Ticketmaster resale site. Figure out who has the older, wealthier fans and buy those tickets. As for the potential risks involved in this business, there are two big ones to keep in mind: buyer fraud and having a lack of liquid funds. Who knows, you may gain a few unlikely fans there! How miney you sell a poor person something? The basic idea is simple. This leaves a gap inside the marketplace. Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article. There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword I’d love to learn onn A good place to start is local events, particularly ones that a rare or popular. This not only makes it easier to make more money, but anr stay in touch with fans who buy tickets directly from you. You could even sellling in a few one of a kind items like a rough draft of your songwriting process, drumsticks from your biggest show, or you singing their voicemail greeting.

With our new built-in ticketing feature, you can now sell tickets through your website commission-free! This not only makes it easier to make more money, but also stay in touch with fans who buy tickets directly from you. As an incentive to buy earlier, you can offer a discount to those buying tickets from your website. Bandzoogle member, Michael Tracy, is also smart to mention there are no processing fees with this option.

Bundling makes customers feel like they are getting extra value. You can even negotiate a little something with the venue if they add in a free drink ticket or appetizer for all ticket holders. Autographs and photos — As an add-on event you can set a time at the end of the gig for fans to receive autographs or pictures. Fundraisers and Benefits — Making money for the band is great, making money to help others is even better!

You can offer to perform for free at benefit events such as Cancer Awareness Walks, Diabetes Awareness Galas, or similar events. Then on your website you can sell tickets to the event where all proceeds go towards the charitable organization like BZ member Anielle Reid has. Workshops — Think of topics your band members have experience with such as how to get the press to notice your band, how to book a paid tour, how to crowdfund your next album hint: anything that helps others make money is a hit!

At the end of the workshop, maybe play a few tunes for the participants. Who knows, you may gain a few unlikely fans there! Group lessons — If you have teaching skills, consider setting up some group lessons and selling tickets for each event. You can even hold it in locations like a recording studio, or museum and charge a bit more for the cool factor. Album launch — Fans love it when their favorite band or artist comes out with new music. Let them share in your excitement each time you release a new album.

Plan a festive album launch party and sell tickets. BZ member Hannah Jane Kile does a great job here by including other artists at the celebration as. Sell tickets to a special mixer that brings all the local players to the table. You can invite music industry professionals, other artists, music engineers, venue owners and the like.

This is another effective way to make new contacts and forge new partnerships in the process. Hold a special invitation only night and invite for a small entrance fee all the songwriters in your local area.

Provide some nourishing snacks and collab on new song ideas. Hold a FREE fan appreciation night in honor of their support. You could even throw in a few one of a kind items like a rough draft of your songwriting process, drumsticks from your biggest show, or you singing their voicemail greeting.

Fan exclusives — In addition to the free fan appreciation event, you can offer a limited number of VIP tickets for advance purchase. You can provide the same feeling to your fans by offering VIP exclusives into the life of a musician. This is a perfect time to offer higher priced tickets to only a select few superfans.

Or if you plan your own festival, you can set it up to sell full passes to the entire event. Local showcase — Instead of booking a bunch of shows only for your band, think about partnering up with other bands in your genre to showcase local talent.

For more publicity, you can even check in with your chamber of commerce and make it a summer series. Battles and open mic contests — Charge a competition submission fee for anyone who wants to show off their talent at an open mic event. Battle of the bands or freestyle rap contests are a crowd pleaser and one many fans would love to attend. Pre-gig meetup and after party — Give fans the opportunity to meet with the band before the concert starts. Let them be part of soundcheck, the pre-gig formalities and toast to a great.

Then afterwards, let them hang with you for the after party! BZ members, Members Only 80’s Band, gets the party started with this cool festival pre-party. Live video recording party — If you plan on doing a live in concert CD or DVD, charge a small fee and invite fans to be part of your live video audience. Promote it as a chance to be part of the video and fans will be thrilled to be involved.

Once you get in the mode of selling tickets you can even combine a few ideas together like BZ member Patrick Lehman did here for his Album Launch party. Making money as a musician can be tough. Sign up free now! Build a stunning band website and store in minutes Promote your music on your own unique website.

Grow your fan base with built-in marketing tools. Start your 30 day free trial Free 30 day trial, no credit card needed. Share your thoughts Comments on this post are disabled. Any thoughts about selling tickets on bandzoogle to some kind of live streaming. I want to get into the Live Stream music scene because then you can play shows at home and have a viewing audience at home. Weekly shows could be great and bring back continued biz.

Anyone else out there trying. Great idea! What you can do is set up a live streaming page on your website and set it to not in menu and password protected. Then you can sell tickets to the Event. Each time you get a notice for a sale you can email the customer with the page url and password! If you have any other questions about this, please email us from the HELP tab.

It would be great to have a bidding system option for tickets to meet and greets. Hey Bay City Rollers! I’ll pass that along to the development team!

That’s a great idea! Posted by seo plugin on Apr 26 PM. First your keyword must appear in the title. Then it must appear in the URL. Then you should spread all H1,H2,H3 tags in your article. Your Keyword should appear in your first paragraph and in the last sentence of the page. You should have relevant usage of Bold and italics of your keyword. There should be one internal link to a page on your blog and you should have one image with an alt tag that has your keyword Posted by seo plugin on Apr 27 PM.

Start your 30 day free trial.

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Disclosure: 10xTravel has partnered with CardRatings ticets our coverage of credit card products. You can read our advertiser disclosure. Two weeks ago I asked you to send me your best ideas for making a side income.

Here is a simple breakdown of how it works:

I got a few hundred responses, and they were entertaining to say the. Before we get in to the nuts and bolts of how to do this, let me take you back to where it all began. It was the fall of and I was a young, broke college student looking for ways to earn a little bit of walking-around money. I was sitting in my dorm room browsing through Facebook Marketplace back when this was a thing looking to buy a Chemistry textbook no I saw 2 posts that caught my eye. Literally side by side, and ticoets within minutes of each. I figured it was a long shot, but I saw an opportunity to make a quick buck. So I messaged each person, offered to buy ticmets ticket from the first and sell to the second, and set up 2 meetings a block apart from each. So I decided to try to scale it.
