Word for making money illegally

word for making money illegally

A smurf is a money launderer or someone who seeks to evade scrutiny fof government agencies by breaking up a transaction involving a large amount of money into smaller transactions below the reporting threshold. Smurfing involves depositing illegally gained money into bank accounts for under-the-radar transfer in the near future. Smurfing is an illegal activity that illfgally have serious consequences. Smurfing happens in three stagesplacement, layering, and integration. In the placement stage, where noney criminal is relieved of guarding large amounts of illegally obtained cash by placing it into the financial. For example, a smurf may pack cash word for making money illegally a suitcase and smuggle it to another country for gambling, buying international currency, or other reasons. During the layering stage, illicit money is separated from its source by a sophisticated layering of financial transactions that obscures the audit trail and breaks the link to the original crime. For example, a smurf moves funds electronically from one country to another, then divides the money into investments placed in advanced financial options or overseas markets. The integration stage is when the money is returned to the criminal. Although there are numerous ways of getting the illefally back, funds must appear to come from a legitimate source, and the process must not draw attention.

(illegal) Money Making Tips

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How to make money illegally on the Internet?

Hi all, I’m looking for a word to mean earn money illegally to replace ‘obtained’ in the following sentence. PS: it’s a sentence I wrote myself Thanks.

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Philippine English the crime of obtaining money dishonestly or by trickery. American the illegal activity of helping someone achieve their goals by using your political influence in exchange for money. Someone who does this is called a trafficker. English version of thesaurus of crimes in finance and business. Free thesaurus definition of crimes in finance and business from the Macmillan English Dictionary — a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. Using the thesaurus. Explore other meanings.

word for making money illegally

Do you ever watch a movie about a guy pulling a fast one and walking away with millions? Or maybe you see a news story about a guy holding up a jewelry store and making off with bags of diamonds. While both of these examples are ways to make money illegally, they both allow us to fantasize what it would be like to make that kind of money in a short amount of time. Still, it would be fun to fantasize so I came up with this list of 15 ways to make money illegally. Please note that the ideas listed below are for entertainment purposes only and you should not, under any circumstance, actually consider trying any of these out. But if you are here because you really have considered these ways to make money, stick through to the end. After you steal the money, you need to launder it so that it cannot be traced back to you, which carries with it a whole new set of risks. Same idea as above, but odds are you are going to have to rob a handful of stores to make anything worth the effort. Most stores now only keep a small amount of cash on hand and you also run the risk of trying to rob from a store that has a worker with a shotgun! Odds are they will get a picture of your car, your license plate, your tattoo, or something that will make it easier to find you. The higher up the drug food chain you are, the more money you stand to make.

How to make money illegally using the most widespread ways

And if you live in a place where you’ll get 20 years for it, your place sucks. Ask the hooker to get you in touch with her pimp. No not like those brown guys who blew up America, do it like D. Start knocking on doors straight away as there are families who have already get started with their holiday decoration. For instance, it may be the copy of the site of the well-known bank and so on. Hell, if you live where it rains ten months a year, you can still grow plenty of dope. The non-existing goods are described in details, advertised, people white fictional reviews on the behalf of those who already tries these goods. If you’re not a badass, and you don’t have a chip on your shoulder, you’re going to need to develope one. The high level of activity on the referral is sold for a huge sum. People are desperate for money. Regardless of the doubtfulness of such scheme, people truly believe in it and many owners of such websites make quite a lot every day.

For browny points, you can just sucker punch them and take their guns right outside the gun range. Tell them about a hot new dick pill. How to make money illegally by means of spam? Sometimes it happens that usual companies advertise their services precisely this way. People will probably avoid you, or gang up and beat you makinf. Pages About Contact Contribute. On top of selling clothes, you can also sell them sunglasses, belt, shoes, and other accessories. If you’re not a badass, and you don’t have a chip on your shoulder, you’re going to need to develope one. If you get yourself in trouble, it’s your own damn fault. No I’m not talking about opening up a fish and tackle shop that has some rifles on the wall behind the counter.

The economy sucks, so lets make a giant truckload of cash selling guns or spamming websites with our shitty, poorly made towels. Tuesday, November 10, Making Money Illegally. Maiing This blog is entirely tongue-in-cheek. As this blog is for entertainment purposes only, the author of this blog is in no way responsible for any trouble you may or may not get yourself into as a result of reading anything contained on this website.

If you get yourself in trouble, it’s your own damn fault. So the economy’s got you down, huh? Seems like everyone’s a bit upset about the whole «oh god capitalism is falling» vibe these days. Regardless of whether or not that’s true, unemployment is at its highest point in ages. People are desperate for money. Foreclosures are sweeping the world. People who had a life of luxury yesterday have no home, and no money to their name today. Sucks to be them, I say.

Today, I’m going to discuss making money illegally, that is, earning an income while breaking the law. Making money illegally isn’t exactly difficult. Pawn that stuff off and bam, you’ve got some money.

Easy, right? That’s small time. I’m not going to tell you that the best way to earn money is to go out and snatch purses, though that could certainly work in a pinch. No, I’m going to give you some excellent ways to make an absolute killing heh while breaking the law. You’ve got a boring life, you don’t want a boring life, so follow these ten simple and effective steps to start ballin’ today!

Conning people is easy. Just ask those dumbass Nigerians who somehow manage to make a bazillion dollars a year by sending people emails claiming to be a king who needs to get his money out of his country!

If people are fucking stupid enough to fall for that, then they’ll be stupid enough to fall for. Conning someone is easy. Make it seem like you can offer them the world. Tell them about a hot new dick pill. It’ll make their junk 2″ bigger in only a few months. Maybe have some before and after pictures handy. If they’re not interested in increasing the size of their tiny phallus, persistence pays off. When they finally get mad enough to tell you to take a hike, sucker punch them and take their mony and any valuables they may.

If they protest, kick them in the ribs a few times. People will do pretty mpney anything you tell them to when you’re booting their ribs. Breaking into a car is easy as hell. Just use a big rock, or a brick, or if you’re drunk enough, a fist. Once the windows gone, you can reach in and grab to your hearts content. Imagine how much stuff you could swipe if you work fast and carry a large bag full of bricks.

You could do fifty cars an hour. It helps to have an accomplice who you illegaally knock unconscious again, with a sucker punch if you suspect your cover is blown. The cops show up and find an unconscious guy, meanwhile you’re nowhere to be. You’re probably in fuckin’ Tahiti or some shit by now, with a trophy wife and.

This one is easy. You just need a gun, or maybe some poison darts. If you have no startup money, you can just use your fists illegaoly pummel someone to death. Or if they’re standing on a balcony, throw them off. Once you’ve finished your first contract, you’ll have a bunch of money. You’ll be able to afford a kickin’ rad suit, all kinds of guns with silencers, and fo gadgets that let you zoom in and enhance photo’s and shit. Once you’ve completed a few contracts, you can become a James Bond esque contract killer, with a lady who phones you on a secret satellite phone maming gives you hits and.

Oh goddamn, that would be rad. Growing marijuana is easy as hell. If you live in a warm, sunny climate you’ve got it. Hell, if you live where it rains ten months a year, you can still grow plenty of dope. Just ask those grower’s from BC who make bank growing shit where it never stops raining.

Growing Mary-J will make you a super badass drug dealer too, and everyone wants to be a drug dealer. You can buy a giant ugly SUV, and put tacky shit all over it like chrome trim and 55″ spinners. If you get caught, you’ll get a slap on the wrist, no one cares about dope growers.

And if you live in a place where you’ll get 20 years for it, your place sucks. No I’m not talking about opening up a fish and tackle shop that has some rifles on the wall behind the counter. I’m talking about becoming an international arms illegslly. Get guns is easy, just go to a gun range and wait outside. Follow someone home. When they leave, say for work the next day, you can just waltz right in and grab all their guns.

For illeaglly points, you can just sucker punch them and take their guns right outside the gun range. Now you’ve got a gun or gun’s to sell. Selling guns is easy.

Go to a shitty, seedy part of town and find a hooker. Ask the hooker to get you in touch with her pimp. He’ll buy the gun, or give you the name of someone who. Repeat this until you’ve got mad money in the bank. Now you can get on a private jet and fly to makiny shitty former soviet bloc hole and find some crooked army generals who’ll sell you nukes and shit in exchange for vodka and women.

If you’ve kaking this far, you’ll have plenty of vodka and plenty of women. Being a drug smuggler is gravy. Especially if you have no criminal record. All you gotta do is go to some South American country like Colombia. Since every single person who lives in Colombia is a drug lord with money in the bank, they’ll all be willing to hire your ass ilpegally smuggle stuff in.

If you’re worried about all that stuff being in your ass for a 12 hour flight, loosen yourself up before hand with a huge dildo. You’ll be able to fit a dump truck in there by the time you’re. Robbing banks is easy, you just need to have a hat and sunglasses. You don’t even need a gun. Just walk in and give the teller a note that says you’ve got a gun mnoey a bomb. They’ll give you a bag of money. If you really want to impress all those terrified customers though, you need to be overt.

Pull off a bank job like that to earn the respect of every single customer in the bank who you point your gun at. Shoot some bullets into the ceiling or a wall to let everyone know you mean business, and to alert everyone outside that there’s a bank robbery taking place.

When you leave, you’ll get into a big epic shootout with hordes of police and look like a super badass. No not like those brown guys who blew up America, do it like D. Cooper did. That guy was awesome. He not only escaped with k in the bank, he also most likely froze to death in the wilderness he parachuted. Okay that’s not so awesome, but he was rich for a few hours at.

You too could experience temporary wealth followed by a horrifically slow and painful demise. It’s easier to do it on a cargo plane like a Fedex plane or woord. The bonus of hijacking a cargo plane is that you get to snoop through all the shit in the back while you wait for your money delivery. You’ll find some awesome stuff to pocket, I bet.

Hijacking is the key to making bank. Since you’ve got a bus full of hostages, cops will give you stuff when you demand it. IF they don’t, just throw someone out will you’re driving down the highway.

That’ll show them that you mean business. When the cops ask what you want, tell them you want cold hard cash and a parachute. The parachute will probably confuse them, but that’s exactly what we want.

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A scam is basically a hoax dressed up to look like a real business plan, worthwhile invention, or investment idea. Scams are almost always designed to make money for their creators. I might talk of someone’s ill-gotten gains. That is, incidentally, one of the few instances in Britain where we use gotten.
