Make money selling candy at school

make money selling candy at school

Selling candy at school is a great way to make money if you are a kid. We explain how a kid can make money by selling candy. Most kids need to make money to buy something they really want. Maybe you need money to buy Justin Bieber concert tickets or want to get money to buy a cell phone or to buy an Ipod Touch. One fast way to make money if you are a kid is to sell candy at school. The first thing you need to do is buy some candy. You can go to Sam’s Club, Costco or Walmart or a place like that to aelling the candy that you are going to sell.

The entrepreneurial spirit of Americans is one of the many things I love about America and Americans. Yet, this man , does exactly that. He started his candy business when he was only 11 years old. And he is not alone— there are a lot of people who make good money selling candy. One interesting observation during the recent economy downturn is that candy sales were still strong , and that is evidence enough that people still need to find comfort in food, regardless of what kind of economic cycle we are in. All in all, whether it is a full time venture or past time hobby, selling candy can never be a bad idea. But as you prevail, you will slowly but surely build up a steady pool of customer base. And as your experience grows, you will get to expose to more varieties of candy and more price effective sources. One of my favorites is Costco, for simple reason that you can get your candy very cheap, and the variety on offer here is amazing. The price is just unbelievably cheap that you can regularly mark up your price by two times and the candy is still in hot demand. Even before you dig into your pocket at Costco store, have a clear mind on what is really on demand among the consumers.

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If you lack this market foresight, I would encourage you to simply ask around, be it in your neighborhood or workplace, school compound or church. As a reflection of its universal appeal, there are so many candy bars to choose from in your neighborhood stalls and upmarket malls. This can be a real business. So you have to treat it as such. In this increasingly affluent society, it is not uncommon for kids to carry around dollar notes with them as pocket allowance. The benefits are twofold; it is easier to sell, and you save the trouble of keeping spare change.

1. Understand profit margins

Growing up, I was one of those kids who liked coming up with ways to make money. At the risk of sounding boring, all I really wanted was a job so I could have my own money. I looked forward to school fundraisers, and worked hard at selling enough candy bars to score a free school trip to one of the nearby theme parks. And in the 7th grade, I got the idea to sell candy to my fellow classmates. I looked at the cost of candy against how much they were being sold for. Not too shabby. When the prices of the candy went up at the store, I hunted for alternatives. I made a point to sell my candy for less than the vending machines, and also to offer different types of candy.

make money selling candy at school

2. Research the competition


At first, only spend a few dollars to buy candy to see what people like. Sell it on the bus, in the cafeteria, even during class, if people really want the candy! It’s cheaper that way. At the same time, you can still charge your customers the same price, but they now get to enjoy rich choice. Just set up a kiosk and you may be amazed with the kind of income it can bring you. Make sure it’s wrapped because kids don’t want to buy germy candy that other people have touched. But don’t get in trouble. Find kids that love candy and they might become regular customers, buying candy from you every day. Make sure you don’t buy candy that will melt on you on a hot summer day.

You need to make sure they don’t. Yes No. Let those factors continue to drive you to work even harder and you just canvy to keep going, until you hit the level of income that you want! Essentially you want to reach out to a as an audience as possible, if you are serious in your new venture. Related Articles Want to learn more about this topic? Selling candy at school is a great way to make money sschool you are a kid. The first thing you need to do is buy some candy. Never eat your merchandise, no matter how much you crave it. But as you prevail, you will slowly but surely build up a steady pool of customer base. Fill it with the money you make, and once you get home put all of it in your piggy bank. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Most of your profit will be in small change. We use cookies to make wikiHow great.

If you’re interested in selling candy at school to make some quick cash, you’ll be pleased to know that selling candy is easy.

The real trick is to make a decent profit that can be put toward the things you’re saving up. To create this article, 97 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. Together, they cited 5 references. This article has also been viewedtimes. Categories: Making Money in School. Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet?

Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to sellling wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Author Info Updated: November 12, Learn more Find out whether or not it’s okay to sell candy at your school. There’s no point doing this if the school specifically forbids it. If you’re at a sugar-free school or a school focused on healthy eating and no candies, you’ll likely get mmoney into trouble with the authorities if you haven’t told them and get found.

Realize that parents who don’t want their children eating sugar may make trouble in such a case. Do some market research. What kind of candy do people at your school want? Does anybody else sell candy? You need to know everything you can in order to maximize profit.

Realize that you won’t become rich overnight, and maybe not at all. Realizing this is your first step, because you will most likely be let.

Think small, but by all means think profit!!! Save money. If it is unpopular, you won’t waste money and take a loss. Get a box that you can fit in your backpack. Put the candy inside. A box as wide and long as a shoebox is pretty good, but you may want to aim for one that’s a little thinner. It doesn’t have to go in your backpack; feel inclined to carry it. Take between 15 to 20 bars schlol bags a day of a good variety will help you maximize sales. List all the brands of candy in permanent marker on the lid of the box.

This will save you from having to search inside the box to tell the customer the actual mney of candy you. Go to school one day without your candy. Use the day to advertise. That way, they will sellling to school with money and sfhool to see what you. Sell the candy each day. Seloing it on the bus, in the cafeteria, even during class, if people really want mojey candy! But don’t get in trouble. Eventually, people will try to sell candy. You need to make sure they don’t. Get better product and deals than them, and run them out of business.

Take a break from selling, every so. You may find that interest declines after a while and so do your profits. Take a break from selling, then come back with specials.

Buy three bars, get one free. Create a bar-a-day club where customers can buy a bar each day Monday through Thursday and get a free bar on Free Friday.

Expand your employees. Is anybody interested in joining you? If so, hire. You could hire a supplier makes candy and a distributor sells candy.

That way, all you do is sit around and manage the money. Eventually, people could even work for your distributor or supplier. Gain more ground. Try to get distributors in different areas.

Do you have friends in another school or neighborhood? If so, you could potentially get more profit off of different people. Save the money you’ve made for whatever you want!

While it’s okay to spend some selking your profit right away, it’s best to avoid spending all or even most of it immediately.

Instead, save the money you make for purchases that are better than what you can get with only a few dollars at a time. You can have as many employees as you want. You give them some candy to sell, then at the end of the day they can keep some of the profit.

You can choose the amount they. You could also just give them some free candy. Yes No. Not Helpful 8 Helpful This is the case at my school. I started off by telling my friends that I was going to start selling candy, and I asked them to tell their friends but to make sure the teachers didn’t know about my small business.

I would make money and candy transactions during lunch or passing periods from class to class. Just do your best to keep your activities hidden from the teachers.

Not Helpful 10 Helpful How do I let people know I’m selling candy? Should I just go up to crowds of kids and tell them I’m selling it? Pretty. Start, though, by telling your friends. Gauge the interest from.

If you sell for long enough, word of mouth will do a lot of advertising for you. Not Helpful 6 Helpful How do I find out if whether or not it’s okay to sell candy at school? You could ask someone who works at your school, like your teacher or your principal. You can’t make someone like something that they don’t like. You can just experiment with different candy types and see which sellingg is the most popular.

Just get enough that you can profit off of it, and make sure it’s something the people want. Not Helpful 4 Helpful How much should I sell a single Twizzlers bar for?

You should charge more than the unit price if you want to make a profit. If Twizzlers are a candy many like, raise the price a little higher. Not Helpful 3 Helpful Amy Nguyen. At first, only spend a few dollars to buy candy to see what people like. Build a demand for the candy at school.

After you find that everyone wants candy, tell them to bring money the next day and buy a box of candy. I sell in school, but one of my items was expired and now nobody trusts me. What should I do?

If you’re interested in selling candy at school to make some quick cash, you’ll be pleased to know that selling candy is easy. The real trick is to make a decent profit that can be put toward the things you’re saving up. To create this article, 97 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. St, they cited 5 references.

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