How to make money with christian music

how to make money with christian music

Last year I had a conversation that has been a never-ending echo, quietly nagging at my heart at key moments. I was in Nashville attending an awards gala for Christian songwriters. So during the pre-dinner mingling I inadvertently attached myself to a producer and a guitarist who had come together and seemed also to doubt the necessity of their presence at this event. But seeing as they are not part of this big odd beast we call Christian music, their accomplishments may as well have been for nought. Do you know them? When dinner and the ceremony began, the three of us nabbed a table in the corner. As sound bites played and artists performed, names were read and people famous to the Christian community accepted their awards with great and earnest dedications to their Lord and Savior. Time and again he mounted the stage, thanking God and accepting his award. Then he finally noticed the repeated accolades the worship songwriter was receiving in front of us. And though I floundered a bit trying to find a nicer way to look at it, it was a hard truth to deny. The producer at our table excused it as just another move justified by business. This answer hardly satisfied me .

… and Getting That Music Played

Some forums can only be seen by registered members. Location: Living in the San Diego area. I have something on my heart that I would like to express so I thought I would express it in a second thread here. I am tired of getting cut down and beaten up by unbelievers and God haters so for a while I might hang out here. Among you Maybe not. We’ll see. It may not last long because I don’t want to hide out here indefinitely when there is so much work to be done out in the world in our case in other forums and elsewhere on the Internet But for now I am tired and need a break from the relentless put downs elsewhere. So here are my thoughts for tonight for what they are worth. If anyone would like to comment I’d be appreciative of your input. Because someone, either the artist or label company wants to make money from it. Normally there is nothing wrong with an artist making money from his work but we, as Christians are called to nothing less than the standard set by the death of Christ and what He did for us. Here is an analogy that will hopefully highlight what I want to say.

Recording and Writing Music …

I not the real me but a make believe me for the purposes of this analogy am a top surgeon. The best. I can do things that are nearly miraculous to save people’s lives under my skilled surgeon’s hands. I teach you to be a great surgeon. For free. I take time and effort with you.

32 thoughts on “Christian Music: Making Money Off of Jesus”

Making a living in the music ministry is not easy. There is no guarantee that you will ever be able to support yourself or your family from money you make with your ministry or your music. The way most Christians picture the Christian musician star, as a person who lives an upper-middle class lifestyle funded by the profits of their music ministry, is simply not reality for almost all Christian musicians. So, before you begin the journey, count the cost. Take the time to learn about the financial aspects of music ministry, the amount of work involved, and how the ministry will impact you spiritually and emotionally. Is there a Christian band or musician in your area who would let you could volunteer as a roadie? Could you attend a band practice?


Christian music promoters have a very niche audience. Historically, the best ways to reach that audience were equally niche. But the most effective ways to market to Christian music fans are changing quickly. To stay on top of the latest Christian music marketing trends, we turned to three expert faith-based music promoters:. Here are the two new rules of Christian music promotion that these experts identified as shaping the future of the industry. In the past, Christian music promoters relied mostly on radio to reach their niche audience. Radio has been so prominent in the space because it speaks directly to the Christian music fanbase. Click To Tweet. Carnes predicts that a major faith-based artist will tour without any radio or TV ads within the next two years. Instead, artists will turn to Facebook, Instagram , and Twitter. Reiser has used advanced targeting on social media to reach his niche audience in new ways.

7 Ways to Make Money as a Christian Musician

Try Sonicbids or Crossdogs. This is a no-brainer. Good news: The music industry has now accepted streaming as its revenue-leader and is poised to adapt around that, with many analysts and experts expecting that the business will streamline itself — with rewrites of law, new royalties negotiations, mergers, acquisitions and consolidations — into something leaner and, finally, more lucrative for musicians. Posted in artist , artists , band , bands , blogging , booking , business , Christian , christian music , christianity , church , goals , independent , indie , marketing , ministry , music , passion , promotion , success. However, nowadays this also applies to streaming plays Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal and digital downloads iTunes, Beatport. Notify me of new posts via email. Having professionally processed samples is essential to achieving a polished track. Upload unlimited songs. Arrow Created with Sketch. This is good advice. But for the music business, every individual song is split into two separate copyrights: composition lyrics, melody and sound recording literally, the audio recording of the song. Invalid Password.

What Will You Pay Me?

If you believe that your music is a ministrythen you fall into that category as. With my band, Boochie Shepherdwe have tried to implement all of these things and have seen enough profit that I can set some realistic goals of having my wife stay home and of us being able to support missionaries with our income. Dan Bursey said this on November 14, at am Reply. If you believe that God has blessed you with the talent to play music, by all means, do it. Sandi on Bands, Butter, and Margerine…. Becoming a better musician will pay dividends in the long run. The process is further makd for radio services, though, which typically moneyy blanket, buffet-style licenses that determine payment rates on mass scale. However, with so many viable opportunities, how can you know which ones are the right ones for you? Upload unlimited songs. Dan Marshlall said this on August 27, at pm Reply. Like this: Like Loading This can also give you more room to be flexible with your honorarium. For more information about how to upload your music onto Spotify, click .

Sync/License Tracks

You can make money as a Christian musician; at least enough to support your family. For some of us, success means selling 1, CDs. My family has set the goal with my band Boochie Shepherd of making enough money so that my wife can stay home and so that we can personally sponsor 2 full-time missionaries.

Resumes and CVs

Once we reach that goal, I will feel that I have succeeded. But I want you to consider carefully the following passage from 1 Timothy And the worker deserves his wages. Paul is specifically talking about the fact that ministers deserve to be taken care of. If you believe that your music is a ministrythen you fall into that christixn as. Consider that the next time a church tries to low-ball you. The problem is that a lot of churches have small budgets, especially if you are playing for the youth how to make money with christian music. So how do you fo your live performance fee honorarium?
