Make money money money song

make money money money song

Make That Money [Roxbury Remix]. Night at the Roxbury [Music from the Motion Picture]. Executive Decision. Money Don’t Make Me. Money Make Me Come. Rick RossEbonylove. Make That Money Girl.

Love may be the most popular theme in music, but money comes a very close second. Here is our handpicked selection of the catchiest and most interesting songs on the subject, from a host of genres. Whereas some are clear-cut picks, others are fan favorites and deep cuts. Though short on lyrics, the song gets straight to the point amid ringing cash registers and a signature bassline nearly every musician knows. Donna Summer is a Massachusetts icon, the Queen of Disco, and a classic artist. While not about money in a traditional sense, Find Ya Wealth encourages listeners to find the wealth within themselves. Cause we learned to do what the hustlers do. Method Man tackles the main chorus, while Raekwon and Inspectah Deck take the verses to talk about their respective ascents in the rap world.

Money Money To Make Money

They sing about having a show like Oprah, playing basketball with the president, and gracing the cover of Forbes. However, like most covers, none truly hold a candle to the original. The song features Strong bluntly declaring money is what he needs, more so than love or anything else. What would you do with a million bucks? Blacc sings of the troublesome times ahead for himself while looking for someone to merely spare him a dollar. Falling in line with the pop-heavy boy-band genre of the time, the song features two members — Justin Timberlake and Chris Kirkpatrick — each individually rapping a different verse. You can bring your enemies to their knees. With I Get Money , the artist basically just spits lines detailing his baller lifestyle thanks to his newly found fame. The song chronicles his early days on the street corner to his escapades as one of the rich and famous, along with his collection of expensive cars and travel excursions. Jerry Garcia will likely always be the face of the Grateful Dead, and rightly so, but guitarist Bob Weir could belt out a verse like no one else in the band. Originally titled Finance Blues , the song depicts a man whose lover constantly drains him of his wealth. She says furs or diamonds, you take your pick.

make money money money song

A wealth of rich tunes: Cash in with the best songs about money

According to the Notorious B. Since its inception, rap has always had money on its collective mind. And those who do have it will brag about it—especially if they just got it. But what might sound like flaunting and taunting on the surface is also a celebration of a success against the odds. Here are ten songs from then and now that took talking about the power of the dollar to new heights. Autobiographical verses from Raekwon the Chef and Inspectah Deck take us from their hardscrabble childhoods to ups and downs of a lucrative yet fraught drug game—including violence and getting locked up. Take heed. The depths people will sink to for a quick buck are incredible, and on this Gang Starr gem, Guru lays out a perfect example of how get-rich-quick schemes can go south quickly. What transpires is a tale of seduction, betrayal, and ultimately murder, all sparked by greed.

Save That Money. Money Worries. If you ain’ gon’ shoot it. Neighbor feat. Money Songs. On being poor. If you happen to be rich and you find you are left by your lover, Though you moan and you groan quite a lot, You can take it on the chin, call a cab and begin to recover on your fourteen carat yacht. Kamasutra feat. Gas Face.

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Money Money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around, Money makes the world mxke around, it makes the world go round. If you happen to be rich, and you feel like a night’s mney, You can pay for a gay escapade. If you happen to be rich, and dong and you need a companion, You can ring ting-a-ling for the maid. If you happen to be rich and you find you are left by your lover, Though you moan and you groan quite a lot, You can take it on the chin, call a cab and begin to recover on your fourteen carat yacht.

Money makes the world go around, the world go around, the world go around, Money makes the world go around, of that we both are sure. On being poor. When you haven’t any coal in the stove and you freeze in the winter And you curse to the wind at your fate.

When you haven’t any shoes on your feet and your coat’s thin as paper And you look mlney pounds underweight, When you go to get a monsy of advice from the fat little pastor, he will tell you to love evermore. But when hunger comes to rap, rat-a-tat, rat-a-tat, at the window Who’s there?

See how love flies out the door. For money makes the world go around, the clinking, clanking sound of Money, money, money, money, Money, money, money, money, Get a little, get a little, Money, money, money, money, Mark, a yen, a buck or a pound, That mohey, clanking, clunking sound is all that makes the world go round, It makes the world go round.

50 Cent — I Get Money (Official Video)

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