Can you make money with stations in avorion

can you make money with stations in avorion

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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Avorion Store Page. Global Achievements. Toxicwire View Profile View Posts. Showing 1 — 7 of 7 comments. That’s a tough question that I’ve been trying to answer for myself. I found that a good trade rout was a one or two time thing.. Owning a station I have a bunch of them and yes they make money but it’s damn slow for the cost of putting them up and maintaining them. Being a viking I crack open a few stations of people that hate me and then I sell off the stolen goods and roam around selling the good stuff to my allies and keep what I need for turrets Last edited by FightinWelsh ; 1 Jan, pm.

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Originally posted by FightinWelsh :.

can you make money with stations in avorion

It’s time for the economy update! We’re proud to present a lot of improvements to the economy and production chains of Avorion! Players will now be able to actually trade with each other, allowing them to set their offers and then accept them, instead of having to write mails and hoping that the other player will respond. In order to keep your production chains running, we’ve now added cargo shuttles to the range of features! You can buy cargo shuttles and configure your stations to either deliver their goods to other stations or fetch required production components from other stations, be it AI stations or your own. In addition to cargo shuttles, you can now configure the price margin for your factories, which will directly influence the amount of traders that will either buy or sell their goods there. Factories can also be told to actively request trading ships to deliver goods to them or buy products when your factories’ cargo bays are full. With the economy update, we’ve also overhauled all production chains to make sure they’re all profitable over time. Additionally, factory and station costs have been drastically reduced to be profitable. Life on a station is way less dangerous than on a space ship that might fly into battle or asteroids, so your station’s crew shouldn’t ask for that money, right? You’ll also like to hear that some derpy AI cargo ship pilots will now get docking assistance through tractor beams.

Home Help Search Login Register. Larger stations also have larger commodity limits. I found that a good trade rout was a one or two time thing. It’s an incredible challenge in itselfeven when using the auto-crew-fill option, and you will need the billion of credits or even more alongside with ridiculous amounts of resources mined by several mining fleets at a time to even make the stations. Players can interact with stations by pressing the F button. If the relations are too bad, when you attempt to use the stations menu it might even inform you that it is unable to do business until relations improve. Categories : Stubs Stations. As crafts, stations belong to factions. I have one chain going to a mid tier and it is like 10 stations. Then destroy their engines so they can’t escape, destroy them and take the loot, make sure your cargo hold is set to pickup stolen cargo.

Every bit helps. You have our gratitude and will get 10 kickstarter exclusive 4K Avorion Wallpapers! That includes what NPC stations and ships will appear, as well as asteroids, containers, gates or enemies. This sector will be named after you. This system upgrade will be named after you.

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The weapon will be avoripn after you. Apr 13, — May 13, 30 days.
