How to make money fishing in alaska

how to make money fishing in alaska

The Alaskan fishing industry brings in billions of dollars per year. One cool job in this industry is working on a tender boat. Tender boats maximize the efficiency of the Alaskan fishing industry. Fishing boats cruise the waters off the coast of Alaska in search of salmon, black cod, crabs, and other seafood delights. Tender boats act as the middleman between fishing boats and fish processors. Tender boats head out to sea and meet fishing boats that are at capacity. The tender boat buys the fish, loads the fish onto the tender boat, and transports the fish to the nearest fish processing plant where they are bought, cleaned, and processed so they can ultimately end up on your table. The tender boat also resupplies the fishing boats with food, fuel, and anything else they need so that they can stay out longer and make more money.

Why would anyone in their right mind want to spend a summer handling fish in Alaska? There are other reasons why so many people want to sling fish in Alaska. Here are a few:. There are really two different kinds of Alaska seafood jobs discussed in our Alaska Fishing Jobs section: Harvesting and Processing. When we talk about salmon fishing jobs or harvesting jobs we mean the act of catching the fish. Working on a fishing boat means many hours of repetitive tasks, day in and day out — often in cold, wet weather. You must be able to withstand and hour work days, cramped living quarters, sometimes difficult co-workers, and the smell of fish. There are several different types of salmon harvesting or fishing boats: trollers, gillnetters, and purse seiners. The methods employed by each type of vessel are different, and accordingly so are the responsibilities of the crew.

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In all cases, however, once the fish are caught they are put into a hold below deck where they are kept fresh until being offloaded to tender boats or onshore processing plants. Pay on a salmon fishing vessel is almost always based on the catch value. The more experienced hands get a higher crewshare. Most salmon fishing vessels are independently owned and operated. Many skippers also post jobs with the Alaska Job Service and on Alaska fishing jobs websites. Job seekers can walk the docks in late-spring or early-June in hopes of meeting a skipper in need of crewmembers.

Alaskan Fishing & Seafood Industry Work

Your preparation begins when you download the Alaska Fishing Jobs Handbook and read it. The handbook contains the most essential information you need to excel as a first-time crewmember on an Alaskan fishing boat. Your opportunity begins when you post your profile on the site. Every single licensed commercial fishing skipper in Alaska has free access to our job applicants, and an increasing number of skippers hire from our website. Fishing seasons follow the natural rhythms and behaviors of fish, so different kinds of fishing boats are active at different times of year.

Alaska Tender Boat Jobs

How do I get one? You can get a password by purchasing a membership. I lost my AlaskaFishingJobs. Click this link. Forgot your username or password? Can people with no experience get jobs? All deckhands, captains and fishery workers started out as a greenhorns. If you are a hard worker, want to make a lot of money and follow the system and suggestions outlined in our book, you will have a good chance of getting hired! Do college students on summer break have enough time to get a fishing job in Alaska? The summer fishing season is a great time for students to work on their time off. Many students earn their way through college by working in Alaska. How much money can a person make? This really depends on the type of job you get, the type of fish being caught, market factors, and how many fish are caught. This book explains the variables to you so you can find the perfect job for you.

Regional Comparisons

Thats it. Anonymous February 9, at AM. Sarah Palin becomes governor 6. Co-Authored By:. Understand that fishing jobs can be seasonal. Join now! There are lots and lots of different varieties of fish and there’s a lot of it. Al Gore. The deadliest catch captains and crews make money according to the amount and quality of the crab they catch. Most entry-level jobs for those with little or no experience are on salmon boats called trollers, gill netters, and purse seiners.

WORKING IN ALASKA — My Seasonal Work Story #2

Is it true that commercial fishermen in Alaska are getting rich? Andy Zuanich explains how deckhand pay is calculated and much more about the Alaska seafood industry. Zuanich has been fishing in Alaska for many years. Some of his insights are included in the excerpt. I started fishing at the age of 14, so 17 years ago.

Maximizing Efficiency Means Making Money on an Alaska Fish Tender Boat

Our boat is a 58 foot boat that target halibut and black cod using long lining. The boat is based out of Ro Point, Alaska. The job is seasonal, and nothing is guaranteed. If you do your job well, you will be asked to come back for next season. You are t a percentage based on your level of experience and performance. Besides «on the job» experience, are there any personal qualities you would need in order to get into this unique line of work? An easy going personality is important. Hard work and determination are important .
