How to make money selling ebooks in nigeria

how to make money selling ebooks in nigeria

A very cogent reason why you should start this business is because, eBook marketing is one of the surest ways of making regular income online in Nigeria. To start writing, you will need to close all books, get a sheet and pen, and start writing off hand from your headthe reason is just to make how to make money selling ebooks in nigeria eBook creative and unique. Never make the mistake of writing verbatim from any text book or dictionary. If you need any point from a material, always ensure you make proper referencing of the information source. You also need to note the audience you writing the eBook for, i. Use easily understandable words to explain your points and always explain a point fully, before moving to other points.

Want to make money selling ebooks? In the US, authors are now selling more books on their own via social, websites, etc. And Post Planner and other social apps are playing a big part in this. Social marketing leaders like Andrea Vahl, Brian Carter, and Kim Garst are using a 2-step process to increase sales dramatically. This drives up engagement and reach on your Facebook page — so your posts get shared by more people and seen by more eyeballs. Click Here to see the results. I want to celebrate Kim Garst. Select the Fan Page you want to sell on. Then type your status update, upload a strong image of the eBook, add a product title, set the price, and click the orange «Next» button. Heyo Cart takes care of product delivery for you! So you just need to tell Heyo Cart how you want to be paid for sales either a debit card or your bank account.

Click «Next». Take a moment to preview of your post — and then once it’s ready, click «Publish» to publish now or to schedule it for later. Once your post is live, fans can comment «Buy» to purchase and Heyo Cart will automatically respond to them, telling them how to finish the purchase:. Once your fans have paid, Heyo Cart then takes them to the product page where they can download your book:. As sales come in, use the Heyo Cart back end to see who’s buying. Great example of Kim Garst doing this here. You should do this within the first 3 sentences of your post.

Make Money Online Selling Ebooks In Nigeria — Adverts — Nairaland

All you need is to make sure you produce quality stuff and then think of a reasonable selling price for it. The former part is completely up to you, however, for the latter part, there are many online services that can assist you well. Payhip is an e-commerce website that offers you to sell any type of downloadable digital material , including ebooks. You create a customizable sales page on Payhip for free and it gives you the tools to sell your product , such as discount coupons, share buttons, affiliate program and flexible pricing options. You can easily publish your ebooks on the biggest online store Amazon for free. Blurb gives you reliable tools to create that perfect ebook. You can create reflowable ebooks or fixed layout ebooks and blurb will automatically format the book for you in your choice format. Your ebooks can be sold on different publishers with each offering their own royalty. Tradebit is very similar to Payhip as it lets you create a sales page and then helps you sell your ebooks or any other downloadable material. You can use an affiliate program, set custom price, take advantage of social media integration and sell ebooks on popular markets such as eBay.

I recommend a multichannel approach — approach the marketing from several different angles. Quyum May 16, Reply. A team of good freelance web developers can get it one for you. More and more countries are accepting bitcoin. Also, if you’re selling your ebooks on Amazon you can do paid ads directly on Amazon to promote your books to a highly targeted audience based on keyword searches and specific products like related books. Method two requires that you be a freelancer. You get paid to answer questions!

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You might also offer a free chapter of your ebook. More and more countries are accepting bitcoin. I talked of ghost writing earlier; however, I understand that many writers will never get themselves involved in. However, free comes with limitations. You can promote them on your Facebook, Instagram, any other social media or blog. There are many ways to do. Creating a blog is very easy. So now you understand why selling ebooks can be such a money-maker, it’s time to get started. One of the best ways to check for is to scan the bestseller lists on Amazon. This is a very good and reliable way to make money online.

This blog is managed by Nigerian twin bloggers Clifford and Stanford. We teach working ways to earn a living online, xelling in Nigeria or outside. Kindly follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram to benefit how to make money selling ebooks in nigeria from us. To get our self-help e-books, please visit our shop! Let’s assume you’re in Nigeria, Onitsha, Anambra State to be precise, you have the main market with you, but you aren’t sure the people there will be interested in the book.

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I’m pretty sure people in business areas, such as Lagos and Onitsha are not bookaholics, and so making a physical copy shouldn’t favor the author that. Ingeria what do you do? Making an eBook is one of the easiest things you can do with a computer. We will see how to do. I sell my eBooks on my own, so I prefer pdf formats. However if you sell on sites like OkadaBooks.
