How much money does yogscast make

how much money does yogscast make

Youtube Screenshot YouTube videos can be big business for top independent content creators. These are the YouTube stars who have huge online fanbases — even though most people have never heard of. A range of earnings estimates for each channel was provided by YouTube analytics company SocialBlade. The range is wide to account for differences in the type of ad including kinds of banner ads and pre-roll and brand value. These estimates also assume that every video is monetized, which is not always the case. Evan is the 7-year-old face of EvanTubeHD, a family-friendly YouTube channel where Evan and occasionally his sister or mom reviews toys and video games. What started as a father-son bonding project — Evan and his dad would make Angry Birds stop-motion videos for fun — has snowballed into near-celebrity status for Evan. According to a Newsweek interview with Jared, Evan’s father, all of the proceeds from the channelfor which they currently have a dedicated ad-sales team, goes into investment and savings accounts for their children. Bradley «The Rad Brad» Colburn is a sensation in the gaming world, for his detailed and humorous video game «walkthroughs» in which he explains how to play and beat a game.

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Yogscast is a media production company and video game publisher based in Bristol who mainly produce gaming related content generally posted on their YouTube channel. It was founded by Lewis Brindle and Simon Lane. The main channel mainly post Gmod, GTA, board games, insane live action challenges etc on a daily basis. This channel was the first channel in the UK to reach one billion views. The channel has over 7 million subscribers as of and has accumulated over 4 billion views so far. It is able to get an average of , views per day from different sources. All these are influenced by several factors like device played on, the location of the viewer, ad inventory, how many ads there are on a video, how many people skip the ads, ad engagement etc. The cost of an ad view is based on an auction between advertisers based on views. The ad rates here are higher than normal.

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Apart from ads, YouTubers also generate extra from YouTube Red viewers who pay a monthly fee to view premium content on YouTube plus watch videos without ads. Here they get paid based on watch time on their videos. The longer the viewers watch their videos, the more money they earn.

19. TheRadBrad

The Yogscast are an entertainment company based in Bristol that primarily produce video gaming-related videos on YouTube and Twitch , and also operate the Yogscast multi-channel network for affiliated content creators. They began activity in and formally incorporated as a company in In , they published the video game Caveblazers. The group had their roots in videos about the massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraft , but rose to popularity with their playthrough of the sandbox game Minecraft and their self-produced role-playing series Shadow of Israphel set in the same game.

how much money does yogscast make


Retrieved 14 November The Telegraph. When possible, I have indicated whether it is development, marketing or combined costs. Although it is a seemingly simple question, it is actually incredibly difficult to answer. Archived from the original on 28 December The YoGPoD is the group’s first podcast, first released on 5 February , and was intended to run alongside the group’s YouTube video releases. Here they get paid based on watch time on their videos. YogTours — Seven Days Later.

The Yogscast are an entertainment company based in Bristol that primarily produce video gaming-related videos on YouTube and Twitchand also operate the Yogscast multi-channel network for affiliated content creators. They began activity in and formally incorporated as a company in Inthey published the video game Caveblazers.

The group had their roots in videos about the massively multiplayer online game World of Warcraftbut rose to popularity with their playthrough of the sandbox game Minecraft and their self-produced role-playing series Shadow of Israphel set in the same game. Brindley and Lane first began by recording iTunes podcasts and YouTube video guides on World of Warcraft from their own homes and joined by friends from their guild, [4] [5] desiring to share Lane’s quirky style of humour with other people around the world.

In Decemberthey recorded a Minecraft video series subsequently named Shadow of Israphel which amassed a large number of views and subscribers, and catapulted them to popularity. Rutherford initially ran The Yogscast’s secondary channel which later became her own channel to create her own content, while other early associates such as Duncan Jones «Lalna»Paul Sykes «Sjin»and Chris Lovasz «Sips» created their own channels to record their own videos, marking the start of the Yogscast family.

The Yogscast team held their own panel at MineCon[3] [14] where they showcased some of the work of the Minecraft community. Following the event, the group came under fire from Minecraft creator Markus Perssonwho stated that he would no longer work with the group, citing use of profanity and unprofessional behaviour.

To date, however, The Yogscast have not published further coverage of subsequent MineCons, nor have they ever worked professionally with Persson. Inindie games developer Winterkewl Games ran a Kickstarter campaign to develop a video game called Yogventures!

Despite the setbacks, The Yogscast continued to grow rapidly in scale and popularity. In Januarytheir main channel was the fourth most popular YouTube channel in the United Kingdom with million views, ahead that of BBC Worldwide’s YouTube channel, [22] but by JuneThe Yogscast’s main channel became the first channel in the United Kingdom to reach one billion views, [23] [24] and by Junethey had acquired five million subscribers.

The Yogscast also began to hold regular public appearances in exhibitions and events throughout the United Kingdom where they would perform live shows and organise signings at events like the Insomnia Gaming Festival and the London Comic Con. Citing professional difficulties, The Yogscast left Maker Studios in [30] and set up their own multi-channel network.

In MayThe Yogscast announced their first published game, Caveblazersdeveloped by indie games developer Deadpan Games, as part of their foray into the game publishing business.

In JulyThe Yogscast left their old headquarters at Bond Street and shifted to larger offices elsewhere in Bristol at the King William House in Queen Square, [36] furnishing it with new amenities and upgraded equipment. In November[42] The Yogscast spun off Fourth Floor Creative, [43] a creative agency specialising in influencer marketing within the video game industry headed by The Yogscast’s chief revenue officer Rich Keith.

In JulyThe Yogscast cut ties with Meredith amongst allegations of sexual harassment from eight women including staff members and a request was sent to Twitch for Meredith to be dissociated with the group. During the weekend of the third and fourth of Augustthe Yogscast hosted their own convention, named YogCon. The event was hosted in the venue ‘Motion’ in Bristol, and tickets were made available for purchase.

These stages featured events such as a live book reading, a live version of the Triforce! The event was well received among fans of the Yogscast, although Brindley has mentioned during a livestream that the convention was not profitable due to some sponsors dropping out, presumably due to the controversies surrounding the allegations of some of the members around the same period.

The Yogscast’s World of Warcraft videos were the first videos released by The Yogscast and largely took the form of parodic how-to videos. In JulyBrindley and Lane also began a series of play-through videos previewing the Cataclysm expansion pack ‘s closed beta. Much of The Yogscast’s initial popularity was due to media and blog coverage of these videos, with Joystiq later becoming Engadget regularly covering them as they were released.

One of the most popular video features of The Yogscast are their many Minecraft series. This new series led to a boom in the number of the group’s YouTube subscribers and was a major contributing factor in their rise to fame. The last instalment, episode 42, was released in July The series has been put on hold since and has not been officially cancelled, although its indefinite hiatus remains a recurring joke amongst The Yogscast and their audience. Since then, they have also produced other narrative-driven series set in Minecraftoften with the use of modpacks like Tekkitsuch as Jaffa FactoryYogLabsMoonQuest and Hole Diggers which have also attracted a large audience.

Another of Brindley and Lane’s Minecraft series also involved them playing and bumbling through different player-made adventure maps, [3] showcasing different maps made by the player community.

In JuneThe Yogscast curated and released a collection of Minecraft mods which they named the «Yogbox». The Yogscast have participated and produced their own large-scale live action series. The most common of these are the group’s coverage of various gaming conventionsas well as RPG sessions and studio-promoted «challenge» videos. Other notable live action productions include a discussion with television and radio presenter Jonathan Ross[59] a mockumentary -style interview with actor Warwick Davis[60] an interview with Sigourney Weavera promotional project with Peter Molyneuxand a series of promotional live action sketches with UbisoftEAMicrosoftthe BBCLucasfilmDisneyUniversal StudiosBlizzard EntertainmentSonyand some smaller indie developers.

The YoGPoD is the group’s first podcast, first released on 5 Februaryand was intended to run alongside the group’s YouTube video releases. Along with hosts Brindley and Lane, it often featured other members of their World of Warcraft guild, and was initially released with a proposed weekly schedule. Releases became more sporadic over time, however, to the point that «YoGPoD Strawnana» came out on 4 July5 months after its predecessor.

Following the Halloween YoGPoD, there was a short run of releases from October to Januarybefore the schedule paused. The YoGPoD has no strict structure, but one of the more prominent features has Lane impersonate public figures that Brindley then «interviews».

It was first released on 23 March The podcast is posted alongside The YoGPoD and features the trio talking about various ideas centred on gaming but also expand to current topics and sporadic thoughts. The structure of the podcast is fairly loose, with an introduction, miscellaneous topics, a gaming section, a reading from Pyrion Flax’s homebrew fiction «Bodega» Episode 19 to Episode 43 and in the early episodes, a Q and A from Twitter followers at the close of the podcast. A spinoff audiobook style series, titled Bodegawas also debuted.

The series features excerpts of the regular Triforce! The Yogscast Jingle Jam is a series of live streams that are shown over the course of December each year with the intention to raise money for charity. It is the largest Dungeons and Dragons livestream in Europe, and has partnered with Wizards of the Coast on several miniseries. The Yogscast Poker Nights is a series of poker games broadcast live on Twitch.

In JuneThe Yogscast signed a six-episode sponsorship deal with KamaGames to promote the latter’s Pokerist app on the live stream. SinceThe Yogscast have organised a series of live streams every year in December to benefit charity. The idea began when fans would send presents to Brindley and Lane during the Christmas season, but they would instead insist that the money be donated to charity. The Yogscast started their first charity live stream in December with the intention to raise money for Oxfam ‘s Give a Goat programme to «send locally-sourced and vaccinated goats to families living in poverty.

InThe Yogscast named their live stream charity drive the Yogscast Jingle Jam[79] which has remained the theme for every year’s charity drive since. Subsequent years saw the charity drive break records in quick succession. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Group of YouTube broadcasters who focus on gaming-related video content. Trade. Live streaming Music Podcasts Video games Video production.

Oxfam ‘s ‘Give a Goat’. Companies House. Retrieved 9 November BBC News. Retrieved 10 July Retrieved 9 August PC Gamer : 18— September Influencer Update. Retrieved 1 September Archived from the original on 12 June Retrieved 20 October Retrieved 18 June Also a special video with love from Simon and Lewis. YouTube Video.

The Yogscast. Retrieved 2 September The Games Station. Retrieved 28 December Retrieved 28 October GameShampoo Magazine. Retrieved 11 July PC Gamer. Edge Online. Winterkewl Games LLC.

Retrieved 8 November Retrieved 18 December Archived from the original on 21 December Retrieved 13 November Radio Times. Archived from the original on 24 August The Telegraph. Retrieved 16 September National Science and Media Museum. Archived from the original on 28 October YogTours — Farewell 1. The Sunday Times. Archived from the original on 9 August Retrieved 25 May Retrieved 3 September


Since then, however, the Bristol-based production firm has grown into a full-blown media company with multiple brands across a variety of digital platforms. Our main Yogscast channel on Twitch has at least three hours of content every day and we have lots of exciting things coming for that and across other Yogscast Twitch channels. When they came to us, it had aboutsubs and what they were looking for was support, a welcoming environment and some guidance on how the platform works. Xbox On, meanwhile, is just at the start of that process with Yogscast, and five months in, the number of minutes being watched on the channel has already seen an annual growth of over per cent, says Keith.

20. EvanTubeHD

Numbers, however, are just one part of the puzzle. However, Turpin says that its experience on both sides of the YouTube fence is precisely what makes Yogscast so well positioned to how much money does yogscast make these official corporate channels. One of the biggest concerns for YouTube going forward, though, is the number of content creators leaving the service for Twitch. After months of concerns over falling viewing numbers, disappearing subscribers and the much debated curation of its trending content, a lot of YouTubers have been quick to voice their growing frustrations. However we remain fully committed to growing our existing YouTube channels and bringing more into the fold, whether by signing them up or launching new ones. Our Yogscast audience is extremely loyal and we engage with them not just on YouTube but in streams, at live events and our social channels. For Turpin, both platforms still have room for improvement. Our services run from giving advice and direction to producing videos and streams to the full-monty of full production and channel management, as with Xbox On. Tags feature katharine-byrne streaming yogscast youtube. Share Facebook Twitter LinkedIn. Previous Improbable announces pair of top-level hires.
