How much money can a chicken farmer make

how much money can a chicken farmer make

Can you make a living raising pastured poultry on a large scale? Nine of these farmers agreed to take part in the nake. These farmers have a variety of backgrounds. They have been raising pastured poultry for 7. Five do not have prior farming experience, and three have some off-farm income. Their operations range in size from 4, to 50, chickens sold per year, with an average of 14, chickens. Five of the producers switched to a day range system to reduce labor. These producers move aa buildings that house the chickens about once a week and move electrified netting daily around the greenhouse to rotate pastures. Labor requirements are one signficant limitation of large scale-pastured how much money can a chicken farmer make operations. Many of the tasks, such as watering, feeding, and cleaning out brooder houses, are done by hand. And labor is not simply a matter of hours: eight of the nine producers said that attention to detail is essential to success.

In recent years, chicken farming has become so trendy as to be commonplace. From urban rooftops to suburban backyards to the traditional farms we all think of when we think of broods of chickens. Raising birds has a lot of attractive qualities. You can enjoy eating amazingly fresh eggs every day, a chicken farm is largely self-sustainable and it’s a lucrative business. But what is a chicken farmer’s salary? How much does a chicken house make in a year? The U. Training assistants, developing budgets and ordering all necessary supplies is part of the job. As chickens need care every day, year-round, chicken farmers are not known for taking extended vacations so it is a profession to which a person must be very dedicated or have a staff on hand they trust. Even a background as a farm manager can be useful. Becoming a profitable chicken farmer takes some research in different methods to raise chickens and different ways to make money based on your area. Finding a nearby commercial chicken farm to contract out their services is one strategy used by independent chicken farmers.

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It takes a careful balance of knowing how much of their flock to keep or process and knowing how many eggs should be allowed to become chickens. Poultry is susceptible to diseases that can cease egg production or kill the flock altogether. The close living quarters of hen houses make it hard to contain any disease, for example, when one chicken gets sick it is a matter of hours before it spreads to the rest of the flock. So if you want to become an independent chicken farmer how do you find out if your area even allows it? Research city ordinances and follow them strictly.

how much money can a chicken farmer make


Dan Charles. After reading Christopher Leonard’s The Meat Racket , a broadside against the contract-farming system, I decided to take a closer look at it. I drove to North Carolina and ended up in the kind of place that supplies practically all of our chickens: a metal-sided, foot-long structure near the town of Fairmont. In the dim light, I see 30, little chicks scuttling around on the floor. Perdue owns the chickens. It also supplies the feed that they eat. About a month from now, when the birds have grown to about 4. But he never knows how big his check will be. It’s that kind of feeling,» he says. The uncertainty is part of a peculiar payment system that the chicken industry uses. It’s often called a tournament. Critics say it’s more like a lottery.

No man, women or child ever got anywhere by not trying so I say why not!? Include a large roosting area and nesting boxes. Teacher who kneeled during CFP title game speaks out. The chickens will spend a lot of time in the outdoor area and in the coop so they should be close to each other. Bikash Ranjan Mohanta Jun 8, Related Articles. You can prevent this by making sure there is enough space in the coop for all of your chickens. You will also need to have a professionally calibrated scale so you can size your eggs properly and a high intensity candler to grade your eggs. That really depends on the economy I think. LO Lovely Omenonye May 10, Add a feeder and water containers. It probably does since I keep all the extra boys around These birds are full grown in about 12 weeks. You should make sure the water troughs are not too deep in the coop, as the chicks can drown in them.


I wish you the best of luck! You can also get hands on experience in the life of farming for a longer period of time, which will better prepare you to start your own farm. This will make the processing time for each chicken fast and efficient. Ask the breeder about the noise level and temperament of the chickens before buying. You should have one long feeder per four to six birds and one water container per four to six birds. A heritage breed chicken can be ready in months. Next, choose and buy the chicken mxke you want to raise, then determine your target audience and how you’re going to sell your chicken products to them! Use a brooder lamp to keep the coop warm. Oct 2, 11, Colorado.

Sonny Perdue vows to make American agriculture great again – but for whom?

Show less Are you tired of heading to the grocery store for suspect eggs and frozen chicken every week? Small scale chicken farming has been growing in popularity among hobbyists as a sustainable way to have eggs and chickens always on hand. To start a chicken farm, create a business plan and secure financing for your farm. Next, build a coop big enough for 40 to 60 chickens and create a large roosting area. Make sure there are enough nesting boxes for all of your chickens and the boxes provide inches of roosting space for each bird.

Next, choose and buy the chicken breed you want to raise, then determine your target audience and how you’re going to sell your chicken products to them! For tips on marketing and selling your products, read on! This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Together, they cited information from 28 references. Categories: Chickens Chicken Egg Production. Crux N Krishna. Bikash Ranjan Mohanta.

Log in Facebook Loading Google Loading Civic Loading No account yet? Create an account. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Article Edit. Learn why people trust wikiHow. It also received 22 testimonials from readers, earning it our reader-approved status. Learn more Understand the skills and abilities required to start a chicken farm. Farming is known to be hard work, driven by a practical point of view and a commitment to long work hours.

As a beginner farmeryou should be aware of the skills, abilities, and expectations required of you so you are prepared to start your farming endeavor with a good sense of what the role entails. You will also need to be prepared for physical work, where you are feeding, cleaning, shoveling, and caring for your chickens on a constant basis. You will also need to be prepared for seasonal earnings, where your profits are dependant on when your hens lay and how well you market and sell the meat and eggs produced by your chickens.

This may mean your profits will be on the low end during your first year as a chicken farmer and you may need to wait one to two years to turn any significant profits from your farm.

As a chicken farmer, you may need to be patient and be okay with setbacks or first time mistakes. You will then need to problem solve issues by fixing it yourself and relying on your abilities as a doer.

Create a business plan for your chicken farm. Set your farm up for success by creating a business plan. Your business plan should include: [3] Farm expenses: This is the cost of your equipment, the cost of your feed, the cost of your chicken coop sand the cost of your chickens. You should also consider the cost of the insurance premiums for the farm and if you need to pay for labor in the form of workers or employees to help you maintain the farm. Farm income: This should be made up of profit goals, where you have a certain amount of profit you will need to hit on a month to month basis.

Financing: To get the farm off the ground, you will need some form of financing or capital. You may also have cash-flow through another source of income, like a part time job or another farming endeavor, that can be used to pay for expenses and keep your farm running. Disaster plan: As any farmer knows, the weather or a bad season can lead to low profits. You should have a disaster plan in place in the event of an emergency to ensure you can survive a bad year or a bad turn of events.

Outline changes you can make to your farm to help you save money and stay in business in the event of a disaster. You may also want to have a succession plan in place, such as a will, in the event of a fatal incident. Apply for financing.

Unless you have a large amount of money in your savings account or access to start up funds through family or friends, you will have to apply for financing through a third party. This could be through a government program that provides grants for beginner farmers or through a loan from your local bank. If you do not own the land you are farming on, you may be able to create a contract with the landowner in exchange for coverage of your equipment and start up costs.

These are made for farmers 35 years or younger, with 10 years or less of experience. Work with a farming organization to get hands on experience as a farmer. If you would like to get a better sense of the work environment and the expectations in the farmer role, you may want to spend some time working with a farming organization like WWOOF World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. You can also get hands on experience in the life of farming for a longer period of time, which will better prepare you to start your own farm.

Decide if you are going to do coop farming or pastured farming. There are two options when it comes to chicken farming: farming your chickens in a coop or farming your chickens in a pasture. When you set up a coop chicken farm, you will need to have coops, buildings, and large equipment to take care of the chickens. Pastured farming only requires a small acreage of land and an enclosure so the birds are protected from predators.

The benefits of pastured farming are that there is very little overhead or start up costs and it can be done with fifty chickens or hundreds of chickens. The major difference in pastured farming is that rather than build a coop for the chickens, you will need small enclosed shelters on a pasture.

The chicks, feed, and water will then be moved everyday in movable pens. You can also set up a pastured farm using a shelter that has a door that allows the chicks to move in and out of the shelter at. You will then surround the shelter with electric fencing and move the fencing on occasion so the chicks are given access to new areas to pasture. Build a coop big enough to house forty to sixty chickens.

The most important element of your chicken farm is the chicken coop, which should be big enough to fit forty to sixty chickens at a time. Chickens are social animals and do well in groups. The coop should be big enough to provide four square feet of space per chicken.

For example, an 8 x 8 chicken coop can hold 16 chickens. The coop should also be large enough for you to stand in so you can gather eggs and shovel manure. But do not make it too big, as the chickens can get cold in a space that is too large. The windows or screens are important as they will allow sunlight into the coop in the wintertime and provide ventilation in the summertime.

You can buy the raw how much money can a chicken farmer make and build it yourself using a chicken coop plan. If you do not want to take the time to construct a coop, you can buy one at your local hardware or farm supply store. Include a large roosting area and nesting boxes. Your coop must include a roost for your chickens, about inches of roosting space allotted for each bird. The nesting boxes will keep the eggs laid off the coop floor and away from the manure.

Add a feeder and water containers. Finally, make sure the coop has a feeder that is big enough for the chickens to eat from and several water containers that are shallow so the chickens cannot fall into. You should have one long feeder per four to six birds and one water container per four to six birds. Fence in a 20 x 5 foot outdoor area near the coop with chicken wire and a chicken fence.

Your chickens will need an outdoor area to walk and cluck around in so they can spread their wings and take dust baths throughout the day. A chicken run will help your chickens stay healthy and ensure they produce high quality eggs. You should fence the area with chicken wire or put up a chicken fence so the chickens stay in and are not threatened by predators, including any household cats or dogs.

The chickens will spend a lot of time in the outdoor area and in the coop so they should be close to each. You should fortify the chicken wire with fencing using T-posts to keep predators out and line the base of the enclosures to ensure no small animals like weasels, minks or snakes from getting into the enclosure. Buy an incubator if you plan to breed your own chickens.

If you plan to breed your own chickens, you should get one to two incubators to help keep your new chicks warm and well cared. You can find incubators at your local farm equipment store or online through second hand websites. Get stainless steel killing cones and a feather plucker to process your meat chickens. You should be prepared to process any chickens raised for meat by investing in stainless steel killing cones and a feather plucker. This will make the processing time for each chicken fast and efficient.

However, larger meat chicken farms often have more sophisticated equipment to keep production easy and fast. Invest in egg washing equipment for egg laying chickens. In order to sell chicken eggs commercially, you will need to have egg-washing equipment to clean the eggs properly. You will also need to have a professionally calibrated scale so you can size your eggs properly and a high intensity candler to grade your eggs.

Your labeling should advertise that your eggs are all natural, locally produced, and pesticide and chemical free as this will attract more customers to your eggs. Go for Ranger or Heritage breeds if you are raising the chickens for meat. If you are focused on getting meat from your birds, you may want to go for the Ranger breed, which grows moderately fast and are more active than the American white broiler birds that are popular in the chicken industry.

These birds are full grown in about 12 weeks. They are slow growing but are known to be healthy and tasty. A heritage breed chicken can be ready in months.

Mueller plans to build his chicken barns in this cornfield just south of his home. His barns would house «breeders,» the hens that lay the eggs that will chidken to be raised for meat. Tim Mueller has raised corn and soybeans on acres near Columbus, Neb.

Clawing for control

The big-box retailer Costco is building a new chicken-processing plant in Fremont, Neb. The company plans to slaughter 2 million birds per week. To raise all those chickens, Costco is recruiting about farmers to sign on as contract poultry farmers. Mueller wants in. As pork and poultry production grows in the U. Farmers sign multi-million dollar how much money can a chicken farmer make to do business with big corporations. The company provides animals and feed. The farmer builds the barns and cares for the animals. It requires a major investment from the farmers who enter into the agreement. About 50 yards down a gravel driveway of Mueller’s home is a cornfield speckled with young, green stalks. This plot of mwke is where he wants to build as many as 12 new chicken barns, with enough room forbirds. Mueller has never raised chickens, except for backyard birds. But like many farmers, the chance for steady income when grain prices are down, as they are now, has grabbed his attention. Also, he says, adding chickens would help two of his sons come back to the business. Farmer Tim Mueller raises corn and soybeans in Nebraska.
