Whether college atheletes should be allowed to make money

whether college atheletes should be allowed to make money

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Allowing athletes to court sponsors would corrupt college sports

The NCAA made a new rule that will allow athletes to make money off their name, image and likeness starting in California was the first to pass this law, leading the NCAA in the right direction. It is good to see the NCAA finally accepting change for once, but this law still under represents student athletes, keeping a clear distinction between professional athletes and collegiate athletes. Students won’t be recognized as employees under the new rule, which in reality is what they are. The NCAA is principally a business once scholarship money comes into play, the athletes become «employees» of their school. The money spent on stadiums, coaches and advertising makes the NCAA a business not a nonprofit. Many have called out universities for not compensating student athletes despite the hours they put into their craft and the millions of dollars their coaches earn a year. This can make it hard for them and their families to support themselves financially. The FLSA gives the right to a minimum wage for all American workers, establishing a maximum of 40 hours a week without extra pay for overtime.

Athletes have been cheated

It also guarantees established workmen’s compensation for all workers who would be injured. The most notable part of the FLSA that affects student athletes is the guaranteed workers compensation for injuries. Currently athletes can be kicked off the team and lose their scholarship if they get hurt or injured, meaning they don’t have a worker’s compensation even after their hours of work put into their craft. In the NCAA established a 20 hour rule, keeping coaches from making their students practice for over 20 hours a week. This allowed the NCAA to not be recognized as a business.


For years, proposals to pay college athletes have drawn polarizing responses. Athletes such as LeBron James and Richard Sherman and politicians such as Senators Chris Murphy and Bernie Sanders have expressed their support for allowing students to make money during their college careers. College and athletics administrators have mostly rebuked the idea. Most college students, however, are in agreement. According to a recent survey of 2, college students by polling platform College Pulse, a majority of students support initiatives to pay college athletes. The student-focused analytics company asked students about several potential models of compensation for college athletes. Support was lowest among white students. College Pulse also asked students how they thought distributing salaries to student-athletes should work.

A small salary would also teach student-athletes how to save. Not only is the university allowed to capitalize on the celebrity of its players; but the players are contractually not allowed to do this themselves. Student athletes should be paid because if you can fill a stadium with fans you can fill a University with paying students and star professors. I don’t come from a wealthy background, so I have to make do with what I have. It was not just the number of applications that grew- the quality of applications grew in similar proportions. After all, they would be contributing to a school that was helping pursue their educational and professional goals. McDavis says, while less popular sports and athletes would suffer. They could use the extra energy and ambition and throw it straight into their game to become a bigger, better competitors which would in turn make the NCAA more money. Now, collegiate sports teams are fighting back against the NCAA standards. While the NCAA constantly affirms its commitment to its root values, it is simultaneously brokering deals with national networks to show live football games to millions of people. Many also cannot rely on their parents for the extra money they need to live. Currently, corporate funds go to athletic departments and are generally distributed among all sports; with third-party payments, those funds could instead mostly go directly to a few student-athletes, starving the rest.

Coming up with system to compensate athletes fairly could be difficult

To many people, these things seem like a small price to pay for a full scholarship. Yet, despite all of this cash floating around, the players who make the organization work do not see any of kake money. He writes: For the highly allwed colleges and universities, the leaders ought to roll back the percentage of recruited athletes. One of the biggest reasons that the NCAA has defended its policies on paying college athletes is because these athletes are often on full scholarships that cover tuition, accommodation, fees and meal plans at the university they attend. The philosophy behind this is that money is made to be spent in various activities, contributing to the economy, and not hoarded in banks. Jonathan R.

Athletes have been cheated

When the NCAA was founded by President Roosevelt inthe institution was committed to the idea of not providing a salary or stipend to the student-athletes who took part in its organization.

It is based on the idea of amateurism, and this was a notable idea at the time. But, over a century later, the NCAA is no longer recognizable compared to what the organization used to be. The NCAA has modernized to take full advantage of the new kinds of sports fans and especially the new kinds of media.

Its coaches and administrators make staggering amounts of money. From high salaries to performance bonuses, it seems that the NCAA is a very profitable business considering it is a non-profit organization.

Yet, despite all of this cash floating around, the players who make the organization work do not see any of this money. In fact, they are barred by NCAA regulations from capitalizing on their status as great athletes at all. The organization argues that student athletes are provided with full scholarships and a free education.

Now, collegiate sports teams are fighting back against the NCAA standards. In the 21 st century, the NCAA tradition no longest exists. Here are the top ten reasons why student athletes should be paid for their hard work and talent.

The average American full-time work contract usually stipulates that the employee will work between the hours of 8 AM and 5 PM five days per week. Salaries are also usually based around a 40 hour work week. If the average NCAA college football player in Division One spends over 40 hours a week on their game, then they are working the same amount as those in full-time employment.

These hours are distributed over training sessions, games, travel and other required sessions that student athletes must attend in order to remain on the team and keep their full scholarship. But, college athletes are not required to simply play sports 40 hours a week. Their schedule also includes a full-time college schedule that they must maintain if they want to stay in the school and continue playing college sports. If a student has 10 hours of class each week and puts in the recommended four hours of study for each hour of class, then athletes spend 50 hours each week studying and attending mandatory classes and study halls.

This means that college athletes have to work 90 hours per week just to remain in school on their scholarship. This is the equivalent to working two full-time jobs with a side job on the weekends just to pay their bills. One of the biggest reasons that the NCAA has defended its policies on paying college athletes is because these athletes are often on full scholarships that cover tuition, accommodation, fees and meal plans at the university they attend.

While these costs are all covered. There are crucial expenses that are not covered by scholarships. There is no room in these scholarships for providing students with additional dining options.

Instead, these costs have to come out of their own pocket. There are also additional costs for sports that are not covered by scholarships. Renting or buying suits for mandatory banquets and fundraisers is expensive, especially when the athlete has no choice in whether or not they can attend. To many people, these things seem like a small price to pay for a full scholarship. But, it is important to remember that these scholarships are the only means through which many athletes can make it to college.

Many college athletes do not come from privileged backgrounds, and their performance at their sport is one of the few chances they feasibly had at going to college.

Many also cannot rely on their parents for the extra money they need to live. To feed and clothe themselves, these students often wind up getting part-time jobs. All of this happens while their coach will often make a comfortable six figure salary. The NCAA often states that paying college athletes would destroy the competitiveness of the sport.

However, this makes little to no sense. The NFL pays its players based on their worth and their performance. The tiered payments offered to professional players only motivate them to work harder to maintain their rankings. This hard work also leads to salary increases in the form of media events and sponsorship deals. Suggesting that payment has ruined the competition in the NFL is incredibly misinformed. If the NCAA paid its athletesthe students would not have to add extra stress worrying about where they will get their money.

If students did not have to worry about their finances, they could spend more time focusing on their game and their classes. This helps prevent tired and burnt out athletes from underperforming on the field. Instead of chasing part time jobs, athletes could focus more on their game to earn higher rewards. They could use the extra energy and ambition and throw it straight into their game to become a bigger, better competitors which would in turn make the NCAA more money.

After all, they would be contributing to a school that was helping pursue their educational and professional goals. Unfortunately, most of the vast revenues taken in by college athletics programs every year do not go directly to the classrooms of the university. If they did, Texas and Alabama would have more academic opportunity than any school in America.

Instead, the profits of athletics are shared between administrators, coaches and athletic directors. Sometimes, money is actually taken from the school to fund sports. At the time, the school was looking for new coaches and that kind of capital would have attracted prominent names. The school also announced that it did not intend to replace these funds itself and instead was hoping that private gifts and donations would make up for the loss.

Of course, some of the biggest athletics programs do give back to their schools. Alabama contributes a portion of its football proceeds to funding non-athletic whether college atheletes should be allowed to make money as well as school development.

Colleges can be more selective in their admittance procedures when their sports teams are famous or successful. Many of these universities fall far from the top 10 colleges in the world or even the country.

Yet, they are able to run admissions procedures and charge tuition rates that reflect those of Ivy League institutions. It was not just the number of applications that grew- the quality of applications grew in similar proportions. The average SAT score of the freshman admitted in that year jumped by points. Doug Flutie, a single student athlete, created this huge raise in interest with his talent and passion for the game and it seems that only Boston College was rewarded. Relatively small and unknown schools like Gonzaga University in Washington are known almost entirely because of their basketball teams.

Without these successful players, colleges like Gonzaga would have to spend a fortune on marketing programs to attract out-of-state students. When universities sell jerseys and t-shirts with popular numbers on them, they are literally selling the personhood of the person whose number is on the jersey. The sales of apparel featuring student athlete personalities takes the NCAAs profits from sports to a whole new level.

Say what they will about the fairness of the scholarship system, public businesses that used the image of an athlete, model, actress or any public figure for their own gain would ultimately end up compensating the individual they use. Not only is the university allowed to capitalize on the celebrity of its players; but the players are contractually not allowed to do this themselves. NCAA rules state that student athletes are not allowed to use their likeness for promotional purposes or monetary gain.

This means that a well-known athlete cannot charge money for the hours spent signing autographs but the university is able to use the athlete to generate hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars through sales and increased enrollment. Being that they work for educational institutions and often have several assistants and advisors who help to share the work load, this is a huge amount of money compared to teachers and professors who are inundated with facilitating the academic success of tens of thousands of students.

However, schools with massive sports programs have been known to pay their head coaches millions of dollars. Today, it is strange to think that when the NCAA was founded, most people were equally opposed to paying coaches as well as athletes. Many coaches worked primarily for the love of the game. After all, money does not seem to be an issue. Money management is one of the most important skills that young people can learn and paying student athletes even a small salary will help them learn how to manage their money.

Whether they go on to make millions or are forced to leave professional athletics behind, these skills are both practical and transferable for student athletes. If anything, the NCAA could consider small stipends for students as an educational gesture, a little would go a long way in promoting healthy money management. Whether you are an athlete or a regular student, figuring out how to go from barely scraping by to having a little extra money is a big challenge.

A small salary would also teach student-athletes how to save. Even if the NCAA or the universities paid the students a stipend and put it in a trust fund to be accessed upon graduation might make a small difference in teaching young people how to handle money.

Many college athletes train hard for most of their career with the eventual goal of becoming a full time professional athlete. The main goal of almost any serious athlete is to be drafted at the end of their college career and find themselves in a salaried position on a national team so that they can begin getting paid for their dream.

In fact, the vast majority of college sports players do not end up playing professional sports at all. This means that at the end of four long years, all these athletes have is a degree. For students who work 90 hour weeks for four or five years, the burn out at the end of the road can be difficult and damaging.

Paying college athletes would at least help them leave education with a little bit of money to buy them time to find a new path. It is never compared to these companies because the NCAA remains a non-profit organization.

The biggest earners are football, basketball and baseball. It should also be noted that this money is not evenly distributed. The top playing Division I schools contribute more to this figure than many of the lowest members combined. This figure is not only more than any professional hockey team in the NHL earns but it is also more than 25 out of the 30 NBA teams bring in annually as. While there is nothing wrong with a non-profit organization taking on huge amounts of revenue, it seems that the wealth could be distributed amongst those who are at the heart and soul of the organization: the players.

Although the NCAA pays its top executives million dollar salaries, parents, students and fans do not scramble to snap up the best season tickets to watch some executives play sports. The fans are invested in the players, many of whom have started taking on followings akin to those of famous and established professional players. If the administrators and coaches in the NCAA want to make the same salaries that their colleagues in the pros do, then perhaps they should also reconsider how committed they truly are to the amateurism that the NCAA was founded on.

Student athletes are stuck between two worlds. While the NCAA constantly affirms its commitment to its root values, it is simultaneously brokering deals with national networks to show live football games to millions of people. Too many college athletes put their heart and soul into what they do and too many come out with any reward. Many people say that NCAA has an ideal model for creating cheap labor. Not only do they expect athletes to perform in the classroom that performance has to be translated to the field.

In the last few weeks, Yahoo! Sports published an investigation alleging that five Athelftes football players—including alolwed member of the and Alabama Crimson Tide national championship teams now in the NFL—accepted money and gifts from agents. Sports Illustrated produced a five-part series about shoudl involving payment and academic fraud at Oklahoma State University. Atheeletes players has never been a hotter mojey.

Allowing athletes to court sponsors would corrupt college sports

There are a few really simple ways it can be. First, we have to break the NCAA. The rest is easy. This slideshow is an attempt to explain and simplify the issues. It finishes with five payment plans for athletes, not all of which I believe in. You can skip ahead to those if you’re solution-focused. The bigger the business of college sports gets, the wider the chasm between the haves the coaches, schools, conferences and media partners and the have-nots the players. There was a time in college sports when the value of a scholarship was enough to offer a college athlete in exchange for his or her time on the athletic field. A free or discounted education that included room and board and access to academic advantages not available to the regular student body, like preferential class enrollment, free books, private tutors and an on-staff doctor and trainer for any health issues, as well as free meals, shoes and apparel, can be a rather impressive annual haul for a college student-athlete.
